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The True Cost of IT Systems Downtime in 2023

IT Systems Downtime


The true cost of IT systems downtime can vary significantly depending on the size and nature of the organization, the type of systems affected, and the duration of the outage. In general, downtime can have a major impact on a business’s revenue, productivity, and reputation.

According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of IT downtime across all industries was around $5,600 per minute in 2022. This figure has likely increased since then due to the growing reliance on technology and the increasing complexity of IT systems.

Another study by Gartner estimates that the average cost of IT downtime is around $5,600 per minute, but the actual cost can range from $140,000 per hour for small businesses to $540,000 per hour for large enterprises.

The cost of IT downtime is not just financial, but also includes intangible costs such as damage to reputation, loss of customer loyalty, and decreased employee morale. In some cases, the impact of IT downtime can be so severe that it can lead to the closure of a business.

To mitigate the cost of IT downtime, organizations need to have proper backup and disaster recovery plans in place. They should also invest in proactive monitoring and maintenance of their IT systems to detect and address issues before they turn into major problems.

One way to reduce the impact of downtime on your business is to engage a managed services provider to ensure your computer network is secure, your security patches are up to date and your hardware and software that you use to run your business is optimized for peak performance.

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